Šanghaj, Kitajska    +86-21-54306275

a4 velikost poljuben barva oblačila tiskalnik stroj za prodajo

a4 velikost poljuben barva oblačila tiskalnik stroj za prodajo


Usage:Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Tube Printer, phone case
Tip plošče: tiskalnik s ploščato ploščo
Pogoj: Novo
Samodejna stopnja: Samodejno
Napetost: 110-240V
Garancija: 1 leto
Print Dimension:17*28cm
Ink Type:Textile ink, 6 Color
Minimum quantity of drops:1.5 picoliter of 90
Print Resolution:User definable Up to 5760 x 1440 dpi
Tray size:A4: 210mm*300mm
Print Speed:A4 of full-color photos all model 55 seconds
Print Height:6cm
Ink Consumption:15 ml per SQM printed area
Interface:USB universal serial bus (USB) Hi-speed USB2.0
Tip: Digitalni tiskalnik

Opis izdelka

This is our hottest direct to garment A4 size printer in the industry,it is mainly used for printing on light color t shirt and dark color t shirt . the printout is very resistance to wear,scrape,alcohol scrub,waterproof,fade-resistant. It really realize the true sense of one piece print up, no plate-making, namely spray is dry, full color image completed

Tehnologija tiskanja
6-barvna napredna brizgalna tehnologija MicroPiezo
Minimum quantity of drops
1.5 picoliter of 90 / per color inkjet hole slightly * 6 = 540 color spray holes
Ločljivost tiskanja
Uporabnik lahko določi do 5760 x 1440 dpi
tray size
User definable up to A4: 210mm*300mm
Hitrost tiskanja
A4 of full-color photos all model 55 seconds actual website shall prevail
Print Option
Light color and dark color t shirt or hard material
Višina tiskanja
Nastavitev višine
it will via up/down button to adjust automatically
Basically 1 year, extendable, see terms and condition of sales
Ink and media
Tip črnila
6 Color: Cyan. Magenta. Yellow. Black. Light Cyan, Light magenta
White model: CMYK LC LM / CMYK+WW
Sistem neprekinjenega dovajanja črnila
Poraba črnila
15 ml per SQM printed area
Programska oprema za tiskanje
Programska oprema RIP, Photoshop, Core1DARW, Illustrator
Metoda samodejnega čiščenja šob
using computer automatic cleaning function printer properties - maintenance - nozzle cleaning
Printer consumable
Non coating ink or textile pigment ink or eco solvent ink
AC220/110 v + 10, 50 hz ~ 60 hz, the Power of 35 w or less
USB univerzalna serijska vodila (USB) Hitra USB2.0
Operacijski sistemi
Windows® 2000, XP, Windows Vista™, Win7 ,Win8 ,W10
delovna temperatura
0 ° do 35 ° (50 ° do 95 ° F)
Delovna vlažnost
20% do 80%
Printer Dimensions
Size: 480*480*340mm Weight : 26kgs
Dimenzije paketa
Size:650*570*415mm Weight : 28kgs
Paket vključuje
Printer,CISS,Driver CD ,USB cable, power cable,instructions


The pictures for the machine

The printing samples

Processes of White & Light color t-shirt printing are as follows:
a, put t-shirt on the print platform with adapter
b, print out picture from computer to t-shirt;
c, heat press the t-shirt with Heat Press Machine for approx. 40 sec. To make the t-shirt water proof.

Processes of dark color tshirt printing are as follows:

a. Spray the pretreatment for dark color t shirt

b. Put shirt on the print platform with adapter

c. Printing white ink as background then to print color ink

b. heat press the t-shirt with Heat Press Machine for approx. 40 sec. To make the t-shirt water proof.

Pakiranje in dostava

Poprodajne storitve

1.Eno leto garancije

We would like to offer one year warranty for the machine except for the consumable such as print head . As well as whole-life technical support for the machine .
2. Prosta izmenjava novih komponent
Naša kakovost je zagotovljena 100%, nadomestni deli se lahko zamenjajo v enem letu brezplačno, vključno z letalskim prometom po hitrem, razen za tiskalno glavo in nekatere potrošne dele.
3. Brezplačno spletno posvetovanje
Tehnik bo ostal na spletu. Ne glede na to, kakšna tehnična vprašanja imate, bi vam naš strokovni tehnik zlahka priskrbel zadovoljiv odgovor.
4. Brezplačna namestitev in usposabljanje na kraju samem
Če nam lahko pomagate pri pridobitvi vizuma in bi želeli nositi stroške, kot so letalske vozovnice, hrana itd., Lahko pošljemo našega tehnika v vašo pisarno in vam omogočimo brezplačno namestitev in usposabljanje, dokler veste, kako ga upravljati